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title; click again to pause. |
The .22 Caliber Pistol | The Center Fire .32 | The Bathtub | |||||
The Black Gladstone Bag | The Brick | The Brass Button | |||||
The Weed Killer | The Canvas Bag | The Car Tire | |||||
The Champagne Glass | The Claw Hammer | The Door Key | |||||
The Scarf | The Four Small Bottles | A French-English Dictionary | |||||
The Receipt | The Glass Shards | The Hammerhead | |||||
The Jack Handle | A Jar of Acid | The Khaki Handkerchief | |||||
A Lady's Shoe | The Leather Bag | The Letter | |||||
The Mandolin String | The Meat Juice | The Notes | |||||
The Old Wooden Mallet | The Open End Wrench | The Pair of Spectacles | |||||
The Piece of Iron Chain | The Pink Powder Puff | The Postcard | |||||
The Prescription | The Raincoat | The Sash Cord | |||||
A Service Card | The Sheath Knife | The Shopping Bag | |||||
A Shilling | The Silencer | The White Boxes | |||||
The Spotted Bedsheet | The Straight Razor | The Tan Shoe | |||||